Sweden Country Information

Sweden Rail

Country information

With 100,000 crystal clear lakes and more than 300,000 kms2 (70%) of the country covered in luxuriant forests, Sweden is the perfect destination for personal space junkies who want to get back to nature!

Undoubtedly, the whole lakes'n'trees combo is a big draw, but there's much more for alternative versions of the Great Swedish Outdoors.

You could spend the night under the Northern Lights far inside the Arctic Circle before curling up under furs with a hot chocolate on a bed made entirely of ice at Jukkasjärvi's Ice Hotel.

Or perhaps spend a long weekend island hopping in Stockholm - where, amongst the 24,000 islands that make up this fascinating city archipelago, there's fantastic shopping, eating and nightlife waiting!

To book or enquire further about any Train journey or Rail Pass please contact us

  • Capital: Stockholm
  • Population: 9.4 million
  • Official Language: Swedish
  • Currency: Swedish Krona
  • Train operator: SJ
  • Tourist Information: www.visitsweden.com
  • Time Zone: GMT +1 (Summer time GMT+2)
  • Calling Code: +46
  • Internet TLD: .se
  • Drives on right
  • Visas: Not required by UK citizens. Check http://www.fco.gov.uk/en for further information
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