Spain - Country Information

Spain Rail

Country information

Spain is drenched with an abundance of the finer things in life - sunny weather, stunning art and architecture, exceptional natural beauty, delicious cuisine, fabulous shopping, vibrant 24-hour city culture and a rich sense of tradition and history.

If possible, tear away from Spain's fabulous beaches to find more in this beautiful country than just Costas and castanets.

With so much to discover, why just sit on the beach?

To book or enquire further about any Train journey or Rail Pass please contact us

  • Capital: Madrid
  • Population: 44.7 million
  • Language: Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque
  • Currency: euro (EUR)
  • Train operating company: Renfe
  • Tourist Board.
  • Calling code +34
  • Internet TLD .es
  • Drives on right
  • Time zone GMT+1 (Summer GMT+2)
  • Visas: Not required for UK citizens. Check for further information
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