Portugal Country Information

Portugal Rail

Country information

A historical and natural gem, Portugal's monuments, castles and churches in unspoiled cities complement the trademark rustic culture and tranquillity.

Portugal's resorts and beaches are breathtaking, the dining is superb, and the people are always welcoming!

To book or enquire further about any Train journey or Rail Pass please contact us

  • Capital: Lisbon
  • Population: 10.8 million
  • Official Language: Portuguese
  • Currency: Euro
  • Train Operator: CP (Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses), www.cp.pt.
  • Tourist Information : www.visitportugal.com
  • Time Zone: GMT (Summer+1)
  • Calling Code: +351
  • Internet TLD: .pt
  • Drives on right
  • Visas: Not required for UK citizens. Check http://www.fco.gov.uk/en for further information.
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