Hungary Country Information

Hungary Rail

Country information

Landlocked by seven neighbours, Hungary has always been at the centre of things in Europe.

Unified in 1000 AD by Saint Stephen, the country's long tradition of independence continued when it was among the first of the Eastern Bloc nations to renounce Communism at the end of the eighties.

Since then, Hungary hasn't looked back and Budapest, its elegant capital, now offers vibrant cultural pursuits and indulgent retail therapy in a gorgeous Danube setting.

Further afield attractions such as Lake Heviz, the world's biggest thermal spa, are typical Hungarian surprises.

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  • Capital:Budapest
  • Population: 10.1 million
  • Official Language: Hungarian
  • Currency: Forint (HUF)
  • Train Operator: MAV (Magyar Allamvasutak)
  • Tourist Information:
  • Time Zone: GMT +1 (summer time GMT+2)
  • Calling Code: +36
  • Internet TLD: .hu
  • Drives on right
  • Visas: Check for further information
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